手机电影下载-耶鲁大学开放课程:新约及其历史背景 剧情介绍:
About the Course
This course provides a historical study of the origins of Christianity by analyzing the literature of the earliest Christian movements in historical context, concentrating on the New Testament. Although theological themes will occupy much of our attention, the course does not attempt a theological appropriation of the New Testament as scripture. Rather, the importance of the New Testament and other early Christian documents as ancient literature and as sources for historical study will be emphasized. A central organizing theme of the course will focus on the differences within early Christianity (-ies).
戴尔马丁教授是耶鲁大学宗教研究院的 Woolsey 教授。 他在阿比林基督教大学、 普林斯顿神学院和耶鲁大学接受教育。 他的研究主要是探索新约,基督教的起源、希腊罗马世界、古老家族与古代世界的性别与性倾向。 马丁教授被授予由全国人文学科基金会,富布赖特委员会,亚历山大冯洪堡基金会和礼来基金会颁发的奖学金。他是美国艺术与科学学院 (选出 2009年) 学会的成员。 他发表的刊物包括Slavery as Salvation, The Corinthian Body, Inventing Superstition, Sex and the Single Savior, and Pedagogy of the Bible。